2022 Quick Start Grant Recipients

350 Bay Area

A Fast Path to Clean Indoor Air


350 Bay Area will pilot a “meantime”, fast-path approach to heat pump deployment to improve human health and reduce natural gas use in a low-income urban area heavily burdened by PM. This pilot will provide insight into and data on the advisability of providing incentives for the deployment of portable heat pumps under different conditions.

Research Question: Can an interim fast path approach to heat pump deployment provide immediate and significant improvement to health, and can it be cost-effective?

Market Barrier

There are several barriers to electrifying the rental market, including split incentive complications and a range in the state of the housing stock, and solutions to each take time to materialize.

Proposed Solution

Provide 30 households with a good air purifier and a portable heating and cooling heat pump system.

Theory of Change

Deploying portable heat pump system can unlock access for renters with limited-incomes to cleaner technologies that bring significant health benefits.

Project Status:

In progress

Housing Type:

Renters in naturally occurring multifamily affordable housing in an urban area heavily burdened by particulate matter contamination.


Portable heat pump and air purifier


San Francisco Bay area, outside of AB 617 designated areas.