Utility Training Centers

FREE heat pump HVAC and water heater training opportunities hosted by utility training centers.

BayREN: Events & Training
Events, workshops and trainings are offered for jurisdictions, building departments, contractors and others. Topics span HVAC, HPWH, Energy Code, Energy Efficiency, etc.

Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E): Home Performance Contractor Academy
Courses cover home performance marketing, contractor sales & operations, quality management, building science for dry climates, and courses from Heat Pump Nation related to promoting sales of heat pumps

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E): Energy Innovation Center
Courses cover rates, rebate and incentive programs, codes and standards as well as HVAC systems and technology

Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE): FutureFit Fundamentals Contractor Training
Courses cover motivations behind fuel switching in the past and present, learn about the latest all-electric space heating and cool products, get current information on heat pump water heaters, become familiar with the benefits and options of the latest all-electric appliances and dive into all things solar + battery storage.

SoCal REN: Workforce Education and Training
Courses cover strategic approaches to achieve energy efficiency through small contractor participation.

Southern California Edison (SCE): Calendar of Classes
Energy Education Centers in Irwindale and Tulare offer online and in-person classes covering a variety of industry topics relevant to those just getting started in their energy career as well as seasoned professionals.

Tri-County Regional Energy Network (3C-REN): Calendar of Events
Courses listed in the calendar of events cover energy codes and multifamily projects designed for contractors and industry professionals.

Sonoma Clean Power: Advanced Energy Center
Courses within the education hub are designed for contractors, professionals and consumers interested in topics spanning heat pump water heaters, on-bill financing, installation and electrification.