TECH Home Page
Creating pathways to achieve California's decarbonization goals
TECH Clean California is a statewide initiative to accelerate the adoption of clean space and water heating technology across California homes in order to help create an equitable pathway to carbon-free homes by 2045 and install six million heat pumps by 2030.
Why heat pumps?
Heat pumps are ideal for California's dry, temperate climate and can be used for space heating, air conditioning, and water heating. Heat pumps also give customers greater control than conventional technologies, which leads to more comfortable homes.
According to the California Air Resources Board, 85 percent of on-site building emissions come from space and water heating and cooling. Heat pumps are key to decarbonizing buildings and achieving California's zero-carbon goals.
"I think the heat pump water heater performs much better than the previous gas water heater. We have had no complaints about hot water supply and the energy usage is way, way down."
- Customer testimonial, New Buildings Institute's Quick Start Grant final report Statewide 120v HPWH Field Study

Customer Incentives & Resources
Visit The Switch is On site to find a contractor and learn more about rebates available in your area (including TECH Clean California incentives)
contractors enrolled
units installed
$116+ million
in incentives paid
metric tons CO2e/year of greenhouse gas savings