
July 22, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Supporting Local, Diverse Contractor Training Programs

A TECH Clean California Quick Start Grant provided support to as they rehabilitated and electrified 65 multifamily homes. In addition, the team designed and led targeted, inclusive training on electrification for more than 26 contractors and 46 electrification trainees.

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June 9, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Last Day to Reserve Equity HPWH Incentives in SDG&E Service Area

Single family equity incentives for heat pump water heaters are nearly reserved in SDG&E service area, and today, July 9, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives. Contractors have until the end of the day today, July 9, 2024, to get claims created in our online system. No claims with signed Customer Terms & Conditions dated after July 9, 2024, will be accepted.

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June 3, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Last Day to Reserve Equity Incentives in Non-SMUD Publicly Owned Utility Service Areas

Single family equity incentives for heat pump water heaters are nearly reserved in non-SMUD publicly owned utility service areas and today, June 3, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives. Contractors have until the end of the day today, June 3, 2024, to get claims created in our online system. No claims with signed Customer Terms & Conditions dated after June 3, 2024, will be accepted.

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May 30, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Last Day to Reserve Market Rate and Equity Incentives in SoCalGas Service Area

Today, May 30, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve single family market rate and equity incentives for heat pump water heaters in the SoCalGas service area. Contractors have until the end of the day today, May 30, 2024, to get claims created in our online system. No claims with signed Customer Terms & Conditions dated after May 30, 2024, will be accepted, and no claims created after May 30, 2024, will be accepted.

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May 29, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Electrifying the Green Affordable Housing Program

In Los Angeles, most multifamily housing within disadvantaged communities contains inefficient heating and cooling equipment coupled with a lack of sufficient funding and financing options to electrify these buildings. TECH Clean California’s Quick Start Grant recipient, U.S. Green Building Council - Los Angeles (USGBC-LA) navigated access to healthier, safer, and cleaner energy-efficient equipment for affordable multifamily homes through the Green Affordable Housing Program.

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May 29, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Last Day to Reserve Equity Incentives in PG&E Gas Service Area

Single family equity incentives for heat pump water heaters are nearly reserved in PG&E gas service area, and today, May 29, 2024, is the last day to make sales and create claims to reserve incentives. This includes SMUD electric customers in PG&E service area as there is no separate SMUD budget for equity incentives.

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May 20, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Pilot Addresses Barriers to Heat Pump Water Heater Permits

Partnering with the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN), TECH Clean California’s Streamlining Permitting Pilot team shed light on widespread residential heat pump water heater adoption in California. The team focused on inefficient or burdensome permitting practices for heat pump water heaters compared to those for traditional water heaters.

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April 29, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Waitlist for Multifamily Heat Pump Water Heater Incentive Reservations

The multifamily heat pump water heater incentive reservations are currently operating on a waitlist for both central and unitary heat pump water heater incentives. Anyone who applies now will be added to a waitlist. If additional funding becomes available, they may be removed from the waitlist.

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April 22, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Additional $5 Million Available for Heat Pump Water Heater Equity Incentives

Additional funds are now available for single family heat pump water heater equity incentives in Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) service areas as of today, April 22, 2024.

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April 4, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Last Day to Reserve Market Rate Incentives in SDG&E Service Area

Single family market rate incentives for heat pump water heaters are nearly reserved in San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) service area as of today, April 4, 2024. However, single family equity incentives for heat pump water heaters are still available.

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March 14, 2024 – Oakland, CA

TECH Clean California Releases Annual Report Covering Second Year Market Transformation Results

TECH Clean California’s Annual Report highlighting the key results from year two is now available on Reporting on market transformation results, the TECH Clean California Annual Report highlights learnings and accomplishments through the initiative's statewide focus and collaboration. The guiding principle of TECH Clean California puts the state on a pathway to six million heat pumps by 2030 and carbon-free homes by 2045.

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March 12, 2024 – Oakland, CA

New Multifamily Central Heat Pump Water Heater Incentives Now Available in PG&E, SCE, SCG, and SDG&E Service Areas

Across PG&E, SCE, SCG, and SDG&E service areas, incentives of $900 to $1,000 per kilowatt hour (kWh) are available for replacing existing water heaters with central heat pumps in multifamily buildings. Additional incentives of $200 per kWh are available for equipment that use refrigerants with a global warming potential of 150 or less.

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February 27, 2024 – Oakland, CA

How Targeting Can Transform Electrification Initiatives

TECH Clean California's meter-based customer targeting ensures that decarbonization efforts reach the customers who will benefit and provide grid value now, setting the stage for future success. A recent analysis of nearly 2,000 heat pump installations demonstrates how meter data can yield actionable insights to help electrification programs optimize their outreach, ensuring that heat pump installations save money for customers, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide value to the grid.

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February 9, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Market Rate Incentives Nearly Reserved in SMUD Service Area

Single family market rate incentives are nearly fully reserved in Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) service area as of today, February 9, 2024. However, single family Equity incentives are still available.

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February 6, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Market Rate Incentives Fully Reserved in PG&E Service Area

Since our recent communication about remaining incentive funding, single family market rate incentives are fully reserved in PG&E service area as of this morning. However, single family Equity incentives are still available.

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February 5, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Incentives for Heat Pump Water Heaters Now Require Demand Response and Time-of-Use Enrollment for SMUD Service Area

TECH Clean California has important updates to the demand response and time-of-use rate (TOU) enrollment rules for all TECH Clean California heat pump water heater projects in the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) service area. The new rules affect eligibility for incentives in the SMUD service area, the demand response conversations with customers, and the way some of the related questions on the incentive claim form are filled out.

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February 2, 2024 – Oakland, CA

Heat Pump Water Heater Incentive Funding Updates for PG&E, SMUD, and Municipality Service Areas

Due to consumer demand for heat pump water heater incentives, TECH Clean California is making some critical updates to its heat pump water heater incentive budget and availability. Effective February 2, 2024, the immediate impacts are for single family market rate sales in Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), and other electric municipality service areas.

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October 31, 2023 – Oakland, CA

New Heat Pump Water Heater Incentives Now Available for Californians

California homeowners can take advantage of TECH Clean California incentives starting at $3,100 for new heat pump water heaters, making it easier and more affordable to install clean and efficient water heating equipment.

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October 25, 2023 – Oakland, CA

TECH Clean California Supports Manufacturers Committed to New Heat Pump Technology and Capacity Goals

At the Building Electrification Summit hosted by the California Energy Commission (CEC) and EPRI earlier this month, ten of the world’s largest manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers of building heating and cooling equipment signed an agreement committing to actions aimed at achieving California’s goal to have six million electric heat pumps installed by 2030.

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May 22, 2023 – Oakland, CA

TECH Clean California 2022 Quick Start Grant Recipients Launch Programs

TECH Clean California awarded eight recipients with Quick Start Grants to fund targeted, innovative pilots that test approaches to overcoming market barriers to heat pump space and water heating adoption. By testing these transformation approaches, the Quick Start Grant program will promote the development and refinement of interventions that can be scaled into statewide solutions. By May 1, 2023, all eight recipients have launched their pilots.

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April 25, 2023 – Sacramento, CA

Incentives Relaunch April 25 to Help California Homeowners Electrify

California’s award-winning heat pump program, TECH Clean California, has relaunched incentives for heat pumps for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning through TECH-certified contractors.

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February 24, 2023 – Oakland, CA

TECH Clean California 2022 Quick Start Grant Recipients Launch Programs

TECH Clean California awarded seven recipients with Quick Start Grants to fund targeted, innovative pilots that test approaches to overcoming market barriers to heat pump space and water heating adoption. By testing these transformation approaches, the Quick Start Grant program will promote the development and refinement of interventions that can be scaled into statewide solutions.

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November 28, 2022 – Oakland, CA

TECH Clean California Publishes Annual Report Covering the First Program Year, June 2021 through June 2022

We are pleased to publish our first Annual Report for TECH Clean California. As we prepare for 2023, we want to recognize what we have learned and what we have accomplished through focus and collaboration.

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October 11, 2022 – Oakland, CA

Inflation Reduction Act—What We Know

The Federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will provide tax credits and incentives for clean heating and cooling in homes starting in 2023.

These federal incentives will be in addition to the California state incentives that are available for TECH Clean California.

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September 27, 2022 – Oakland, CA

TECH Clean California receives $145 million to expand decarbonization efforts

California Energy Trailer Bill continues the state’s commitment to heat pump installations.

In late August, the state of California passed the California Energy Trailer Bill that will direct an additional $145 million to TECH Clean California over the next two years. The funding will be used to continue the statewide initiative aimed at accelerating the adoption of clean space and water heating technology in California homes to help California meet its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2045.

TECH Clean California will receive $50 million in FY 22/23, and $95 million in FY 23/24 contingent on the state meeting revenue projections to increase heat pump installations and reach more Californians in need, growing the contractor workforce, and continuing to create broader market transformation to heat pumps.

TECH Clean California has already started to transform California’s heat pump market.

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