
TECH Clean California is a statewide initiative to accelerate the adoption of clean space and water heating technology across California homes in order to help California meet its goal of being carbon-neutral by 2045. The initiative provides market incentives and workforce education and training to make it easier for distributors and contractors to stock, sell, and install low-emissions heat pump technology for residential replacement projects. It was designed to support both existing programs through matched incentive funding, and to extend incentives statewide with an emphasis on access for low-income and disadvantaged communities.


Original Funding: TECH Clean California's original funding was provided by California gas corporation ratepayers under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. $116 million was allocated to TECH Clean California to spend over a four-year period, with $72 million reserved for incentives. This funding was allocated proportionally to gas investor-owned utility (IOU) share of cap-and-trade allowances per the below.

Map showing natural gas utility service areas in California and pie chart with TECH funding allocated to the following utilities: 49% SoCalGas, 42% PG&E, 7% SDG&E, 2% Southwest Gas.

New Funding: TECH Clean California was allocated an additional $50 million in new funding from the California 2022/2023 fiscal year budget via CPUC Decision 23-02-005. Information on new incentive budgets and the amounts remaining can be found on the Incentives page.

Incentive Layering: TECH Clean California has partnered with the following programs to combine, or "layer", incentives for heat pump water heating and heat pump HVAC systems throughout the state:


Sep. 2018:
Executive Order B-55-18 requires California to be carbon neutral by 2045; Senate Bill 1477 authorizes funding for TECH Clean California and BUILD pilot programs, with TECH Clean California focused on building retrofits and BUILD focused on new construction.

Jan. 2019:
The California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) initiates building decarbonization rulemaking (R.19-01-011). Phase 1 includes implementing TECH.

Mar. 2020:
CPUC Decision 20-03-027 establishes TECH Clean California guidelines. As part of the Decision, Southern California Edison is directed to conduct the request for proposal for the initiative implementer.

Nov. 2020:
Team led by Energy Solutions is selected as TECH Clean California initiative implementer.

Jun. 2021:
TECH Clean California initiative implementation begins.

Dec. 2021:
Incentive Clearinghouse launches; statewide incentives available.

May. 2022:
Single Family and Multifamily general incentives are suspended due to budget exhaustion throughout most of the state.

Jul. 2022:
Public reporting website launches.

Jan. 2023:
The CPUC allocates $50 million in new funding to TECH Clean California through Decision 23-02-005.

Apr. 2023:
Incentives for installations of heat pump HVAC systems in single family residences become available again. See Incentives for more information.

Oct. 2023:
Incentives for installations of heat pump water heater systems in single family market rate and equity residences become available. See Incentives for more information.

TECH Clean California Team


Energy Solutions
A mission-driven clean technologies implementation firm that has pioneered market-driven solutions that deliver reliable, large-scale, and cost-effective results to utility, government, and private sector clients across North America.

Association for Energy Affordability Logo

Association for Energy Affordability
A not-for-profit technical services and training organization at the forefront of increasing energy efficiency and green building practices in multifamily buildings.

Ortiz Group logo

The Ortiz Group
A mission driven program management and training services company that specializes in serving low-income communities.

National Comfort Institute logo

National Comfort Institute
An organization devoted to education for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning professionals, delivering customized HVAC decarbonization training.

anchor blue

Anchor Blue Consulting
A small energy consulting firm specializing in services related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, demand response and other demand side management needs in the energy world.


A sustainable energy company that
designs and implements decarbonization
pilots and programs that reduce energy
burdens and advance emerging technologies
and models.

Building Decarbonization Coalition Logo

Building Decarbonization Coalition
A coalition of energy providers, manufacturers, design & construction firms, local governments, and NGOs committed to eliminating emissions from the built environment.

Ardenna Energy logo

Ardenna Energy
A clean energy consultancy focused on bringing residential energy efficiency and electrification technologies to market.

Tre'Laine logo

A WBE consultancy firm focused on crosscutting design, strategy, implementation, and evaluation of energy efficiency programs.


Central Coast Energy Services, Inc.
A not-for-profit organization which provides energy conservation, consumer education & advocacy, home improvement, utility assistance, job training, and other services to people in need.


Frontier Energy
A professional services firm delivering energy efficiency, market transformation, and transportation solutions through technical consulting, program design and implementation, and technology development.

Recurve logo

A software company providing integrated program administration, measurement and verification, and data analytics support to utilities and program implementers.

Electrify My Home logo

Electrify My Home
A partnership operated by Larry Waters that provides real world contractor education for the skills required for “Good Electrification”.

Energy Outlet logo

Energy Outlet
A utility rebate program administrative service making it simpler for contractors to navigate utility programs and enable them to pursue more energy-related opportunities and grow their business.