Now Accepting Applications for Multifamily HEEHRA Rebates

October 8, 2024
$35 million in HEEHRA rebates for multifamily projects is now available for heat pump HVAC, heat pump water heaters, cooktops, ranges, ovens, and heat pump clothes dryers. Income-eligible multifamily property owners or operators can now begin the application process for stage 1 of the new multifamily HEEHRA rebates available through TECH Clean California. To help further reduce the cost of purchasing energy-efficient equipment, income-qualified properties will be able to receive HEEHRA rebates through TECH Clean California contractors later this month.
Rebates are available for multifamily properties that have five or more occupied units and meet tenant income thresholds. Furthermore, multifamily properties must maintain a certain portion of units to residents whose annual income is between 80% and 150% area median income and residents whose annual income is less than 80% area median income.
Multifamily property owners will learn more about rebate eligibility and application requirements when going through the application process for stage 1.
Multifamily property owners can now access these rebates to upgrade their property to new, efficient heat pump HVAC (two-speed and variable speed units), heat pump water heaters, cooktops, ranges, ovens, and heat pump clothes dryers certified by ENERGY STAR®. HEEHRA rebates may also be combined with other rebates, grants, or loans – including TECH Clean California incentives and other rebates and incentives offered through utilities, local government, etc. – to help cover the cost of electric appliance and equipment purchases and installation.
Visit to learn more about HEEHRA rebates available through TECH Clean California.
The TECH Clean California initiative is funded by California ratepayers and taxpayers and administered by Southern California Edison Company under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The TECH Clean California team is led by Energy Solutions and partners with Anchor Blue Consulting, Ardenna Energy, Association of Energy Affordability, Building Decarbonization Coalition, Central Coast Energy Services, Inc., Electrify My Home, Frontier Energy, National Comfort Institute, Energy Outlet, Recurve Analytics, The Ortiz Group, Tre’ Laine Associates, and VEIC.