Heat Pump Data

The cornerstone of the TECH Clean California market transformation vision is to gather and publish data on the heat pump water heating (HPWH) and heat pump heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HP HVAC) markets in California, as well as the experience of people who install heat pumps in their homes. In each of the webpages below, you can interact with a unique type of data gathered by the TECH implementation and evaluation teams. As more types of data become available, more pages will be added.

All data published on this website is anonymized and aggregated per the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) guidelines in Decision 11-07-056 and Decision 14-05-016. All data gathered by the TECH implementation and evaluation teams is subject to guidelines as set by the CPUC in Decision 20-03-027 and Decision 21-11-002.