HEEHRA Rebates Resume in California

March 12, 2025

The California Energy Commission provided the following update regarding HEEHRA on Monday, March 10, which in part noted: 

California is resuming the state’s Home Electrification and Appliance Rebates (HEEHRA) Program, available through TECH Clean California. The program will continue to process approved rebate applications and rebate reservations on a first-come, first-served basis as federal funds are made available. Submitted reservation requests will receive priority. If you have questions on the status of your HEEHRA reservation request or rebate, please contact your contractor or TECH Clean California at tech.info@energy-solution.com. The program will reopen to new HEEHRA income verifications and rebate reservations in the coming weeks. 

The California Energy Commission has received $45 million in rebate funding to date, a portion of its total HEEHRA award from the US Department of Energy. California is committed to providing these rebate funds to Californians. With this funding in-hand, single family program operations are resuming in three stages:

Stage 1: We are currently prioritizing the processing and approval of single family HEEHRA rebate applications created from approved reservations (pre-approvals).

Stage 2: From there, we will prioritize processing submitted (but unapproved) single family HEEHRA reservation requests that were submitted on or before the program pause on February 26, 2025. 

Stage 3: We will begin accepting new single family HEEHRA reservation requests and income verification applications in the coming weeks.

As we move from one stage to the next, we will communicate directly with contractors and stakeholders. Sign up to receive email updates from TECH Clean California.

No one should start a new project without an approved reservation. Proceeding with any project without an approved reservation is made solely at your own risk.

If contractors are aware of submitted single family reservations that are no longer moving forward, please delete your pre-approval in Iris or send us an email at TECH.incentives@energy-solution.com and we can reject it for you.

More information regarding HEEHRA multifamily program operations and reservation opportunities will be provided at a later date.


We have received feedback from contractors that the program should prioritize paying submitted single family claims (Stage 1) and processing single family reservations for projects that have already been initiated between customers and contractors (Stage 2) before fully reopening the program to new income verifications and reservations (Stage 3). 

We must prioritize our staffing resources to process existing claims to address the long wait times contractors and homeowners have experienced.

We recognize the impacts that prolonged rebate approval timelines can have on contractor businesses and customers and that confidence in HEEHRA rebate availability is essential for project completion. We are committed to processing and paying claims as quickly as possible. 

We will resume processing single family income verifications in Stage 3. Prior to the start of Stage 3, the program will send out an email to all single family customers who submitted an income verification that has not yet been processed to confirm next steps. This step will occur in the coming weeks. 

We will begin processing single family reservations in the Under Review status in Stage 2. We will send an announcement to enrolled contractors and stakeholders when Stage 2 has started.

We are continuing to process, approve, and pay valid submitted single family rebate claims with approved reservations. Funding is in hand, and we are committed to working through these claims as quickly as possible. 

New HEEHRA reservations and income verifications are not being accepted at this time.

We will resume processing new single family reservation requests in Stage 3. Stage 3 will occur in the coming weeks. 

More information on multifamily program reservation opportunities will be provided at a later date.

The California Energy Commission has $45 million in hand for HEEHRA single family and multifamily rebates.  This is a portion of the $80 million in HEEHRA Phase I rebate funding that was awarded to California from the US Department of Energy.

In the coming weeks, more information will be provided on how the $45 million will be distributed across regions and between the single family and multifamily pathways.

Additional information will be provided as the remaining rebate funds are made available under California’s HEEHRA award.

Please note that, in the meantime, the regional budgets posted on the TECH Clean California public reporting website may not reflect these updated allocations. We will send out an announcement prior to Stage 3 that confirms the updated allocations and budget availability.

Since new income verifications and new reservations will not be processed and reviewed until Stage 3, we highly discourage contractors from selling the HEEHRA rebate to customers at this time. Doing so is at the contractor’s sole risk.