Waitlist for Multifamily Heat Pump Water Heater Incentive Reservations
April 29, 2024
The multifamily heat pump water heater incentive reservations are currently operating on a waitlist for both central and unitary heat pump water heater incentives. Anyone who applies now will be added to a waitlist. If additional funding becomes available, they may be removed from the waitlist. View the Incentive Budget Table to see budget updates in real time.
This is a temporary pause in incentive availability. TECH Clean California hopes to provide multifamily incentives in the near future.
Participants can also use the Switch is On Incentive Lookup tool to verify incentive availability based on zip code. Aside from locational eligibility, customers must be customers of Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas, or San Diego Gas & Electric.
The TECH Clean California initiative is funded by California ratepayers and taxpayers and administered by Southern California Edison Company under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The TECH Clean California team is led by Energy Solutions and partners with Ardenna Energy, Association of Energy Affordability, Building Decarbonization Coalition, Electrify My Home, Frontier Energy, National Comfort Institute, Energy Outlet, Recurve Analytics, The Ortiz Group, Tre’ Laine Associates, and VEIC.