Heat Pump Data
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Use links below to download anonymized data about projects that received TECH incentives.
TECH Working Data Set
The TECH Working Data Sets provide anonymous data gathered from incentive applications submitted by TECH participating contractors. Each row represents a unique installation of either a Heat Pump Water Heater ("HPWH") or a Heat Pump Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning ("HP HVAC") system. All data is anonymous and cannot be used to reidentify the homes in which installations occurred.
Data fields (columns) describing each installation include:
- Information about the site, such as the California Climate Zone and CalEnviroScreen Disadvantaged Community status
- Data on the installed equipment and replaced equipment
- Total Project Cost (including equipment and installation costs)
- Incentive provided by TECH Clean CA and any layered partner programs
- Installation details describing the HPWH/HP HVAC installation, such as duration and quality installation measures performed by the installer.
There are three TECH Working Data Sets.
- The TECH Working Data Set_Single-Family contains data on individual heat pump installations performed by contractors who typically service single-family homes and applied for an incentive through the TECH Clean California Single Family incentive program. This dataset includes a small number of installations performed in small Multifamily homes as well.
- The TECH Working Data Set_Multifamily contains data on large-scale heat pump installations in multifamily residential buildings, typically involving large central systems that serve multiple apartments and/or many small unitary systems installed in adjacent apartments. Contractors applied for these incentives through the TECH Multifamily Incentive Program.
- The TECH Working Data Set_Low Income Direct Install contains data on direct install electrification projects in low income homes in partnership with programs like Energy Savings Assistance (ESA). Read more here.
Primary Data Set Sources:
- Incentive applications completed by TECH participating contractors
- Qualified Product Lists maintained by the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), and United States Department of Energy (US DOE)
- California Climate Investments Priority Populations 2023 Disadvantaged Communities and low-income community areas
- Partner programs offering incentives that layer with TECH incentives (see the About TECH Clean CA webpage)
- The California Electronic Technical Reference Manual (“eTRM”), used to estimate ex ante annual electricity and gas savings for each project. As many projects as possible are assigned a Measure Package ID and Measure Offering ID, as well as deemed a savings estimate from the following Measure Packages: SWWH014, SWWH025, SWWH028, SWHC044, SWHC045, SWHC050. All claims that cannot be assigned a Measure Offering ID are assigned a generic savings estimate based on Measure Package data.
Download Reference Documents
Download Data Dictionary
Data Dictionary_Low Income Direct Install
Download Readme
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Greenhouse Gas Impacts Data Set - Coming Soon
The Greenhouse Gas Impacts Data Set provides anonymous meter-based gas and electricity consumption data for California residents who installed a piece of technology that received a TECH incentive.
Primary Data Set Sources:
- Meter-based gas and electricity consumption data for residential customers of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Gas (SoCalGas), Southern California Edison (SCE), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Southwest Gas (SWG), Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) provided by the California Energy Commission (CEC) and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
- Meter-based data in the GHG Savings Data Set follow CPUC requirements for data aggregation and data sharing to preserve the anonymity and privacy of California residents.
Links - Coming Soon
Want to dig deeper into TECH data?

Download Data
Download anonymized data about projects that received TECH Clean California incentives.

Project Data Visualizations
Explore TECH Clean California project data using interactive maps and graphs.

Contractor Data
Search for contractors who perform heat pump water heater or heat pump HVAC installations in your county.

Evaluation Studies
Gain insight into the customer and contractor experiences and read studies conducted on the heat pump market.

Equity Budget and Spending
View the TECH Clean California Equity Budget and Spending Report.

Results & Reporting
Read program wide reporting, stakeholder meeting notes, quick start grant and pilot reports.