
Low-Income Heat Pump Adoption Pilot

What is the Low-Income Pilot?

The Low-Income Pilot works with large statewide, low-income retrofit programs such as Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) and other programs to integrate new heat pump technology measures in existing program offerings. TECH Clean California supports these programs by providing additional funding for remediation costs attributable to the installation of heat pump space or heat pump water heating. These additional costs are usually not covered by the primary program and become a barrier to the installation of a clean space and water heating measure.

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Encouraging Heat Pump Technology for San Joaquin Valley Residents

Low-Income Direct Install Programs Supported

Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program

ESA is an income-qualified energy efficiency program operated through each of the California IOUs and overseen by the California Public Utility Commission. Our Equity Pilot utilizes funds to fundamentally alter the PG&E Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Repair and Replacement Program, the arm of ESA that installs gas furnaces and water heaters. We will test installing heat pump HVAC and heat pump water heater instead of gas units through the ESA program.

San Joaquin Valley Disadvantaged Community Pilot

TECH Clean California funds cover incremental costs of remediation and minor home repair required to install advanced high-efficiency measures, such as the heat pump water heater and HVAC technologies, in single family homes. Eligible remediation costs include insulation and ductwork as long as the same measures are not being claimed/paid through ESA.

PG&E Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Main Program

TECH Clean California funds cover incremental costs of remediation and minor home repair required to install advanced high-efficiency measures, such as the heat pump water heater, in PG&E’s service area.

Southern California Edison’s Energy Savings Assistance Main Program

TECH Clean California funds cover incremental costs of remediation and minor home repair required to install clean space and water heating measures in Southern California Edison’s service area.

Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP) Farmworker Housing Component

TECH Clean California funds are utilized to leverage the Low-Income Weatherization Program Farmworker Housing program administered by the California Department of Community Services and Development, to test whether combining heat pump water heaters and solar installation will accelerate the adoption and installation of heat pump water heaters in farmworker housing.