Multifamily Incentives

With 50% of Californians living in multifamily buildings, there is great opportunity to bring the benefits of healthier homes and clean energy to these residents. Yet, switching to heat pumps for space and water heating requires adopting new technologies, which may be unfamiliar to property owners, designers, or MEPS. Capital costs and electrical infrastructure needs can create additional challenges.

TECH Clean California offers incentives, pilot activities, technical assistance, and training to address barriers associated with electrification and energy efficiency upgrades in multifamily properties.

As of January 29, 2025, TECH Clean California small multifamily heat pump water heater incentives are available to multifamily residents and property owners.

As of October 8, 2024, multifamily heat pump HVAC, heat pump water heater, cooktop, range, oven, and/or heat pump clothes dryer HEEHRA rebates offered through TECH Clean California are available to income-qualified multifamily property owners. For more information on multifamily HEEHRA rebates, please visit

Currently, TECH Clean California standard multifamily heat pump water heater incentives (both central and unitary) submitted for reservation will be placed on a waitlist and reviewed as budget becomes available.

Multifamily Incentives

These multifamily incentives are only eligible in retrofit scenarios where a heat pump is replacing a non-heat pump system, and can be stacked with other federal, state, local incentives, or tax credits. Please note that 100 percent of the multifamily incentives must be passed through to the property owner.

The following incentives apply to qualifying heat pump water heater installations in multifamily buildings. For the purposes of project qualification, multifamily is considered to be any property with two or more dwelling units where units are owned by a property owner. This includes multifamily, unitary and central projects with one large central system or a single heat pump water heater with an integrated tank that serves two or more households.

Individual homeowner units that are installing a unitary heat pump water heater, where the customer is the owner of the individual dwelling units, are considered single family. Any central heat pump water heaters serving two or more households are always considered multifamily.

TECH Clean California is currently offering additional incentives to support electrical upgrades for all multifamily unitary customers and additional pre-electrification incentives for customers who are eligible for equity incentives. Please note, only costs for work done under the participant's license may be considered as part of eligible costs.

Unitary Heat Pump Water Heater Incentives

Category Customer Class HPWH Incentive Low-GWP Kicker* > or = to 55 Gal Capacity Incentive Max Incentive
Residential Unitary General Market $3,100 $1,500 $700 $7,300
Residential Unitary Equity $4,185 $1,500 $700 $10,385

Unitary Electrical and Pre-Electrification Upgrades

Incentive Rate Electrical/Pre-Electrification Upgrade Incentive Incentive Cap
General Market $2,000 Capped at lesser between 50% of reported costs or $2,000
Equity $4,000* Capped at lesser between 100% of reported costs or $4,000

*For equity customers, the $4,000 incentive may cover a variety of other "pre-electrification" costs associated with a heat pump water heater installation.

Central Heat Pump Water Heater Incentives

Customer Class* Central Heat Pump Water Heater Incentive Low-GWP Kicker** Max Incentive per System
General Market Multifamily Central $900/kWh $200/kWh $300,000
Equity Multifamily Central $1,000/kWh $200/kWh $300,000

*Contractor caps may apply for certain reservation types.
**The low-GWP kicker applies to heat pump water heaters that use refrigerants with 150 GWP or less.


TECH Clean California is currently accepting reservations for small multifamily heat pump water heater incentives

TECH Clean California multifamily incentives are available to contractors installing heat pump water heaters for qualifying customers throughout California. Incentives are available for both in-unit and common area applications. To reserve your standard incentive funds, complete the TECH multifamily incentive reservation form. If you have any questions, contact

  • The new reservation form will accommodate both small multifamily and standard multifamily reservation requests
    • Currently, standard multifamily heat pump water heater incentives (both central and unitary) submitted for reservation will be placed on a waitlist and reviewed as budget becomes available.


TECH Clean California is currently accepting applications for multifamily HEEHRA rebates

Applications for multifamily HEEHRA rebates are now being accepted as of October 8, 2024. Multifamily HEEHRA rebates are available for income-qualified multifamily property owners and operators seeking a new heat pump HVAC, heat pump water heater, cooktop, range, oven, and/or heat pump clothes dryer. Multifamily property owners interested in HEEHRA rebates available through TECH Clean California can submit a quick Application Stage 1 Form to initiate an eligibility review.  Projects that pass this initial screening will move to the next steps required to submit a HEEHRA rebate reservation form including agreement to program terms and conditions to secure funding.

TECH Clean California Incentives + HEEHRA Rebates = Bigger Savings

If you are a multifamily property owner and interested in finding out more, please submit an application:

CCCE EYH - MF Incentive Reservation Form - Preview Image

As of December 6th, 2023 Electrify Your Home is accepting multifamily reservations

Electrify Your Home is a Central Coast Community Energy (CCCE) partnership with TECH Clean California for installations in the CCCE service area. To reserve your standard incentive funds, download and complete the CCCE Multifamily Incentive Reservation Form linked below. Please note: This form requires signatures from the Property Owner Primary Contact and the TECH Contractor Primary Contact. Once complete, email the form to

Learn More

Interest Form

Want to learn more about TECH Clean California multifamily incentives and pilot activities? Submit this form with your basic information and electrification retrofit needs.

Related Pages

Multifamily Pilot

AEA’s TECH Clean California Electrification Hub: Workforce training to support successful heat pump installations, plus trainings for stakeholders like multifamily property owners, developers, engineers, architects, and general contractors .